How to Write a Blog – Finding a Perfect Topic to Blog About

How to Write a Blog – Finding a Perfect Topic

So you’ve read through the 25 Ways to Build a Better Blog and their Call to Action and now you want to start a blog and you are thinking of two things – how to write a blog and what perfect topic to blog about?

I asked myself this same question few years back when I was just starting out new like you. Today you are the one reading my blog, and so with the right questions and the right decisions someone else will soon start reading yours!

I must tell you the truth, one of the challenging part of starting a blog is knowing how to write a blog and what topic to blog about. The blogosphere is saturated and so for your voice to be heard in this challenging field of writing and informing, you will need a serious thinking to do. And also finding a perfect topic to blog about has a thing with how homely readers will feel when they visit your blog.


However, I am still a believer of the saying “what is worth doing is worth doing well”. If you are really serious with starting a blog and to find that perfect topic to blog about, I have some questions which I would like you to answer. I actually used these questions on myself and they helped me came up with the perfect topic to blog about all with ease!

Is it all about knowing how to write a blog?

Finding a perfect topic to blog about is no child’s play, which is why I need you to follow me as we go through this journey. So let’s get started answering these questions right away…

Q1. What Are You Passionate About?

If you have been reading my blog right from the onset, you will notice that I have a thing for passion. I always like to put passion first because it’s the driving wheel to what I do here on WorthBlogger.

The very first thing you must do when thinking of a perfect topic to blog about is seeking and finding your passion. There must be something which you think every moment of your life, there must something which you see yourself preaching even when you are not asked to…

I use myself as an example. I am somebody who loves to write and to blog; in fact writing and blogging are the top on the list of my hobbies and so ever since I discovered this I have been keeping it to heart that one day I was going to start writing what people who I don’t even know or have met will be reading and will be commenting on.

To run a successful blog, you need to blog about a topic which you can at any given time write regular content on, a topic which you are knowledgeable in or have good experience on. There is no gambling in this the only way to find out is by seeking and finding what you have passion for.

When you have passion for a thing, you will hardly run out of ideas to use, every little thing that happens to you becomes a convertible idea to write about.

Here are few questions to help you find your passion on what you are good at blogging about

  • What do you like doing every now and then?
  • What do you sleep and wake up with?
  • What is the one thing your friend(s) finds you doing well?
  • What do you like listening to?
  • What do you like reading when you get hold of a device connected to the internet?
  • Is your day time job what you can write about in terms of consultation?
  • What do you like doing even when money is not coming into it immediately?

By now I expect you start listing the possible topics to blog about on your proposed new blog! Now head over to the next question…

Q2. What’s Your Selling Point?

I got the concept of knowing what your selling point is from a young talented Nigerian artiste by name Ice Prince who did a song named “What’s Your Selling Point?” The song centered on you knowing that point in your life when you do better things than people in your field or your competitors.This is actually the second question you should ask yourself when starting a blog.

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Your selling point can be anything, it can be anywhere, it is not necessarily selling to make money but that point in your business, job or daily activities where you do great things that throw you some steps ahead of your competitors.

Your selling point can equally be your God-given talent which is a unique gift of life. If you understand your talent and build it around a passion pit you will surely find your selling point.

Here are some questions to help you narrow down what your likely selling points are:

  • What do you find easy doing that’s hard for others?
  • Where do you excel most in?
  • What can you confidently do even when placed under pressure?
  • What do you really know how to do best?
  • What is your talent?
  • What special skills and abilities do you possess?
  • What can you do right when asked to do it?

Alright, you now know what your selling point is right? Next will be to match them with the list of your passions to see if they make sense or form a perfect topic to blog about. Once you finish doing this, head over to the next question which is…

Q3. What have You Been Nursing in Your Mind all these While?

I have talked about finding your passion and knowing your selling point; next will be to bring into action those things which you have been nursing in your mind, those things which you have passion for and trust you will use them to hit your selling point.

You may ask – Is passion not the same with nursing a feeling? Please don’t get me wrong, passion is different from nursing a feeling for a thing. Passion is the primary thing and the operative word here, nursing a feeling is only a component of passion…

I can go ahead to give you an example; you can have passion for writing blogging tips and equally be nursing the feelings that adding personal development tips to the list will add up to your hitting your selling point. Hope is clear now?

Listing those things which you have been nursing in your mind is only a checklist to your passion and selling point. I added it here to help you have a recall of those topics which you have chosen to form a perfect topic when a starting a blog.

Ok here comes the last question…

Q4. What is the Market Value of the Topic?

Just because you now have a perfect topic to blog about does not mean you have arrived. There is still one last question which you must ask yourself to wrap up your research. This is as important as knowing what your passion is and what your selling point is.

You need to ask the world internet search giant “Google” the last question in terms of the following:

  • Who are the potential readers (the audience) of this topic?
  • What is the demand of information that concerns this topic?
  • What are people saying about the topic?
  • What is the strength of the topic in the blogosphere?
  • What future does it hold for you?
  • Who are the leading bloggers in that niche (the current shakers and movers?)
  • How well does Google populate or generate information on this topic?
  • Will an average person see content written on this topic and like to read it?

There are a handful of questions which you can ask Google and even your friends who are internet users to help bring you up to speed…

How to Write a Blog – Starting Your Blog and a Summary of What We’ve Done So Far

Here is the summary of the things which I have discussed with you so far. They are actually a list of 4 simple questions to ask yourself when looking for a perfect topic and when starting a blog:

  • What are you passionate about?
  • What’s your selling point?
  • What have you been nursing in your mind all these while?
  • What is the market value of the topic?

Ask yourself these 4 questions, do your down to heart research on them, come up with great answers and you will be amazed how easy it has become finding a perfect topic to blog about. I guess you might call it learning how to write a blog…

What Other Questions did You Ask When Starting a Blog and Choosing a Perfect Topic to Blog About

These 4 questions of mine may not actually be final questions to ask when finding a perfect topic to blog about. Do you have other tips to share with us as to what worked for you when starting a blog?



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